X-ray creates two- dimensional images of your teeth, jaw and bones with later helps to diagnose the condition of your oral health. Since it’s just taking x-ray image it is painless and non-invasive procedure. A radiographer will do x-ray examination whereas a radiologist will interprets the outcomes of that examination.

Mainly, x-ray will tell information about following conditions.

  1. Tooth, jaws, bones fractures
  2. Dislocations
  3. Detection of foreign objects.

There are mainly two types of dental x-ray

A]   Intraoral X-rays:- These x-rays are common types of X-ray which will allow dentist to diagnosis cavities, check teeth, root health, bones around tooth (may be jaw bone).

Intraoral X-rays are further divided into following sub-parts.

– Bite-wing X-rays

– Peripheral X-rays

– occlusal X-rays

b]    Extraoral X-rays:- These X-rays will mainly focus on Jaws and skulls but they don’t not give detail information as provided by Intraoral x-rays. Extraoral X-rays are used to look for impacted teeth, monitor growth and development of the jaws in relation to the teeth, and to identify potential problems between teeth and jaws and the temporomandibular joint or other bones of the face.

Extraoral X-rays are further divided into following sub-parts.

-panoramic X-rays


-cephalometric projections


-computed tomography

Please call Showground Dental Care on 0298946655 for X-Ray.

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